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Content of the Curriculum

Religious Education

As a Catholic College, Religious Education is taught across the Traeger Campus. The Religious Education Program for Catholic Schools in the Northern Territory is currently “Journey In Faith” and has been developed to suit the context and needs of students and teachers in the Diocese of Darwin. The minimum requirement for Religious Education classes from Years Transition to Year 10 is 5 hours per fortnight. MITIOG (Made in the Image of God) is conducted from Years 5 to 8. MITIOG provides teachers with a human sexuality curriculum that respects the dignity of the human person and is grounded in the human vocation to love. Parent meetings are held prior to the commencement of the MITIOG programs in each Campus. 

Other Learning Areas

The Australian Curriculum is the document that identifies learning outcomes for Northern Territory learners in classes from Transition to Year 10. The Australian Curriculum consists of the following components, all of which are evident in the classroom: 

  • Cross-curriculum priorities 
  • General Capabilities (21st Century Learners) 
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) 
  • Learning Areas: The Arts, Health and Physical Education, English, Japanese (LOTE), Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Technologies.

Specialist and Electives: Traeger Campus

Traeger has a strong specialist program where specialist teachers deliver the following subjects: Japanese, Performing Arts, Visual Art, Health and PE and Digital Technologies.

National Assessment Program – Literacy And Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are required to complete the NAPLAN tests  The Campus Curriculum Coordinators oversee the administration of NAPLAN  The designated teacher is required to administer the test according to instructions detailed in the NAPLAN Test Administration Handbook for Teachers (see:  Curriculum Coordinators will ensure that the relevant teaching staff have a copy of the Test Administration Handbook for Teachers. It is the responsibility of the College Principal to ensure the National Protocols are adhered to. Other Assessment Programs that OLSH may be selected to be involved in include: The National Sample Assessment in “Science Literacy”. The National Sample Assessment for “Information and Communication Technology Literacy”. The National Sample Assessment in “Civics and Citizenship”. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the international Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).

Standardised Testing

PAT testing, PM Benchmarks, Probe Reading Interviews are some of the tools OLSH uses to track students’ progress.

Reporting to Parents

OLSH has several ways to report back to parents. Years 7-12, follow a process called ‘SnapShot’ which occurs 6 times a year. Students are given grades based on current levels of achievement and students write an Action Plan for their learning. Parent/teacher/student meetings are held across the College twice a year. There are also formal reports at the end of each semester in the form of A to E Reports. An “A to E Report” is a report that all education systems across Australia have agreed to implement  The A to E levels are one way of describing student achievement. The grade is based on the student’s achievement against either the Australian Curriculum Standards rather than other students in the class.

Semester 1 Year 7-12 Assessment Schedule