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The Blessing of the Sadadeen Chapel

21st August 2023

The Blessing of the Sadadeen Chapel

Last Tuesday at 5 pm, Bishop Charles blessed the stained glass window recently added to the renovated Sadadeen Chapel.

The stained glass is a replica of Kathleen Turner’s famous stained glass window, which sits above the altar at the OLSH Parish Church. In 2021, OLSH asked Fr. Prakash permission to approach Kathleen Turner to copy this stained glass window, in a smaller version, in our Chapel at Sadadeen. Kathleen immediately said yes. With Fr. Prakash’s support, her original painting was copied into stained glass. And with tremendous results.

Appropriately, on the Feast of the Assumption last Tuesday, Bishop Charles blessed the window with Kathleen Turner and her family present. When asked to speak, Kathleen said, “It looks good there. It makes me very happy!”

The Chapel, so often mistaken as another classroom, has been renovated and looks fantastic with Kathleen’s sacred painting. For the Blessing Ceremony, thank Denise Simon for her attention to detail and ensuring the Chapel looked at its best.

The three campuses use this Chapel for special occasions, class Masses and Liturgies.

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