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Traeger Campus

(Years 5-8)

Traeger Campus is committed to supporting families and young people to build individual wellness in all aspects of their lives: intellectual, physical, social, emotional and spiritual.

We have a strong commitment to the faith development of young people from all backgrounds. All members of the campus community are invited to come to know and love Jesus, developing a deeper connection to God through daily prayer, regular liturgies, retreats and whole college, campus and year level masses. We collaborate closely with the local parish, with regular visits from the priests, shared responsibility for sacramental preparation and programs and a focus on social justice issues. 

The curriculum implemented at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Traeger Campus (Years 5 - 8) is achieved through the Australian Curriculum which is the approved curriculum framework of the Northern Territory Board of Studies. As a Catholic school, we place great importance on Christian values and creating a supportive and safe community. Religious Education is taught along with all the key learning areas. The General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities are also integrated throughout the teaching and learning.

Traeger Campus operates as a middle school using an inquiry model of teaching and learning. Year 5 and 6 students have a single teacher for core subjects: Religious Education; English; Humanities and Social Sciences; Mathematics and Science. Years 7 and 8 students may have a variety of specialist teachers responsible for delivering the curriculum.

OLSH Traeger also offers a comprehensive and rich curriculum which is extended through our specialist programs. All students are taught the following subjects for the year: Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education and Japanese. Japanese (LOTE/Languages) is a compulsory year-long subject for all year levels at the Traeger Campus and is then offered to students as an elective in Year 9 on the Sadadeen Campus. Students also complete one semester of Visual Art and Digital Technologies.

Students requiring learning support are catered for in the area of literacy through intervention programs, in class support and are also involved in “Guided Reading” where reading comprehension skills are explicitly taught and the “Words Their Way” approach to spelling. For students who come from an “English as an Additional Language or Dialect” (EAL/D) background, extra assistance is available.

Teachers monitor student progress over time using a variety of assessment tools including Probe2 Reading Interview and PAT Testing. This data is used to inform teaching. Students receive two comprehensive Semester Reports at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Formal Parent/Teacher/Student interviews occur late in Term 1 and Term 3. Along with these reports, Years 7 and 8s complete ‘Snapshot’ 6 times throughout the year. Students reflect on their learning and set goals to move forward.

Co-curricula highlights throughout the year include: Year 5 Alice on the Line Camp; Year 6 Confirmation; Year 7 Outdoor Education Camp; Founders’ Day; College Concert; Science Week; Literacy and Numeracy Week; NAIDOC Week and Harmony Day. Traeger has several clubs throughout different times of the year including: tennis, gardening, choir and photography.

Traeger is a 1:1 laptop school where all students have great access to laptops. We use Google Classroom as our main Learning Management System (LMS). We also use a variety of other online tools.

We have a strong pastoral care program that uses our Charter of Respect as our framework. We also use a Restorative Practices approach when dealing with a breakdown of relationships and are guided by our School Wide Positive behaviour pyramid to help students make good choices, reflect on their behaviour and to manage corrective pathways.

Students are also provided opportunities in the sporting arena: Swimming Carnival; Athletics Carnival and the Cross Country Carnival are a few examples. We also compete in Inter-school carnivals. Boys and Girls AFL teams compete against other schools which is always popular in the middle of the year.