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Bath Street

(Transition - Year 4)

The Bath Street Campus of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College caters for students from Transition to Year 4. As a Catholic College, we celebrate the message of Jesus Christ, placing great importance on our Christian values and celebrating an environment that embraces the importance of ensuring our school environment is:  safe and nurturing, continually fostering a sense of belonging and promoting an educational climate conducive to learning. Religious Education is taught along with all the key learning areas prescribed by the Australian Curriculum.

The key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum are:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
  • The Arts
  • Technologies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Languages - Japanese

Students receive two written Semester Reports at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Formal Parent/Teacher/Student interviews occur late in Term 1 and Term 3. The aim is to keep parents and carers informed of the progress made by their child.

Students with specific learning needs are supported in the classroom through differentiated teaching practices and the assistance of Inclusion Support Assistants. Students who require additional support with their reading and are at risk of falling significantly behind are placed into Reading Intervention groups led by trained staff.

At Bath St we have two Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers (AIEW) who support our Aboriginal children and their families. These AIEW workers work across the Traeger and Bath St Campus. Events such as Harmony Day, and NAIDOC Week are celebrated annually. In 2018 the staff at OLSH Catholic College worked with all OLSH community members to create our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This RAP is reviewed annually to ensure that we are growing together as a community.

The children at Bath Street participate in a range of community and intercampus activities throughout the year. Such activities include Harmony Day and ANZAC Day, Children's Book Week, the College concert, Assumption mass, Founders Day, Opening Mass and Graduation Mass.