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Pastoral Care

The size of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College means that all students are known well. Their pastoral care and wellbeing is paramount. In our daily interactions we endeavour to promote the Marist characteristics of presence, simplicity, family spirit, love of work, and following in the way of Mary. We acknowledge that relationships are a key component of our pastoral care of students, their families, and the staff with whom we work. Mindful of this we endeavour to know our students by name and seek to understand each unique personality. We foster an environment that is welcoming, safe and where students are respected as individual members of a larger community.

Pastoral care across the College is coordinated by the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Team which consists of representatives from each campus including the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinators, the College Counsellor, and staff from the Inclusion Support and Indigenous Support Teams. The Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Team meets twice each Term. In addition to the College Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Team each Campus has its own Pastoral Care Team that meets regularly.

On Sadadeen Campus each student has a Homeroom teacher who meets daily with the Homeroom class and remains the first point of contact for parents. Each year level is under the guidance of a Year Level Coordinator. The Year Level Coordinator, as well as being conversant with each student’s curricular and co-curricular activities, guides the year level through the many and varied activities and demands that each year brings.

For Bath Street and Traeger Campus students the first point of contact for parents is the regular classroom teacher.

The College has developed effective strategies and policies on matters of student behaviour, harassment and bullying, health issues for adolescent students, personal development programmes, and other issues pertinent to students. The College is a KidsMatter and MindMatters school and makes use of programs such as BounceBack and Peer Support that aim to foster positive relationships, build self-esteem, confidence and enhance leadership skills.

The College is strongly of the view that, in its pastoral care of students, it should work in close partnership with parents. Parents are encouraged to contact the College to discuss any matter relating to their children’s life at OLSH.