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Learning Support

The Learning Support team at each campus and the Catholic Education Inclusion Support Team support students at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College who present with either a suspected or identified disability.

This team consists of a Learning Support consultant, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Educational Psychologists. At each campus, a Learning Support Coordinator oversees all students who are requiring adjustments to their learning, enabling them to engage with the set curriculum. 

The Federal Government funding received for these students enables us to employ a team of Inclusion support Assistants (ISAs). These ISAs are trained to work with students within the classroom or with interventions where students are withdrawn from the classroom. Progress is monitored to ensure that such interventions are successful.

Funded students will have an Education Adjustment Plan (EAP) developed in consultation with their parents/carers. These EAPs set goals for students according to their needs. All EAPs are reviewed every six months.

All students who present with a recognised or suspected disability and additional are included in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). The NCCD assists schools in identifying the level of disability and provides a process for record keeping and consultation to address the accommodations required for each student with a disability.