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Aboriginal Student Support

Aboriginal Students make up 13-14% of students across three campuses at OLSH.  In recognition of the contribution that Aboriginal people have made to life in the Northern Territory, and more specifically for us in Central Australia, OLSH aims to support our Aboriginal and Islander students obtain the best education they can possibly receive. 

This will quite often involve contact with families and extended families to support them in their efforts to properly educate their young people.

At OLSH we take this responsibility very seriously and so provide, for these students, three full time support people who take a special interest in the education and wellbeing of each of the students.  These people are referred to as Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers (AIEW).  The AIEW’s are of Aboriginal background and are appointed at each campus after appropriate advertising and interviewing of prospective employees.  Catholic Education NT has a strong commitment to increasing Aboriginal employment in Catholic Schools and has set targets for such employment.

In 2020, two of the AIEW’s share their time between the Bath Street and Traeger campuses, one focussing on the girls and the other on the boys.  The AIEW’s work together to support our student’s pastoral care, social and academic needs. They also work within the broader school community to implement our Reconciliation Action Plan, support cultural awareness for our staff and students, and help teachers to embed Aboriginal and Islander perspectives into their curriculum delivery.  Our AIEW’s meet twice a term with the Aboriginal and Islander Education Coordinator (AIEC) to discuss and review work so far and plan for special events.  Each week, the AIEW’s meet less formally with the AIEC so that there is ongoing and effective communication and planning.  The AIEC regularly meets with the College Executive body to keep them up to date on the progress of Aboriginal students. 

OLSH College has partnered with AIME, (Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience), to provide our students with mentoring and educational experiences that build their leadership capacity – both at school and in the wider community.  AIME provides the College with young mentors to work with our Aboriginal and Islander students.