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Reconciliation Action Plan

Catholic Social Teaching places great emphasis on humanity and the dignity of life. One of the key themes of Catholic Social Teaching is solidarity that clearly articulates the value of every human being. We are compelled as a Catholic faith community to recognise past and present injustices, to show compassion through action and to create a more just, unified and equitable world.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College is proud to formalise our commitment to Reconciliation though the launching of the Reconciliation Action Plan. (RAP)

We believe the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan will foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. 

The Reconciliation Action Plan begins with a vision which reads:

Reconciliation at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College means;

  • Working in partnership with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to foster a deeper understanding of and connection with the rich cultural heritage of Mparntwe, the Arrernte people, and all neighbouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.
  • Working together to find ways to engage with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community through learnings and opportunities for improved educational outcomes and experiences of all students.
The OLSH Reconciliation Action Plan outlines fourteen different actions with clear deliverables that we, as a College community, commit to working towards in the future.

The RAP framework enables our College to contribute to reconciliation by:

  • building and encouraging relationships
  • fostering and embedding respect
  • developing opportunities to for all peoples

It is everyone’s responsibility to keep working towards Reconciliation at our College. Our hope and desire is for staff, students, parents and the broader College community to work together to achieve the outcomes we have identified in the Reconciliation Action Plan. We look forward to sharing our progress and recognising our achievements as we strive to keep building an inclusive, compassionate and responsive College community.

The College Reconciliation Action Plan is reviewed at the end of each year and presented to Reconciliation Australia for final approval. 

(Reconciliation Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation.  Its vision is for a just, equitable and reconciled Australia.  Its purpose is to inspire and enable all Australians to contribute to the reconciliation of the nation.)