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Mission and Values

Vision Statement

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College embraces an inclusive community of diverse cultures to empower all to develop in faith; built on the Gospel values of love, justice and peace.  Our school is committed to fostering life-long learning in an atmosphere of care and respect for self, others and our environment.

Our Guiding Values

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College is a Catholic faith community where the Gospel values permeate all that we do. Our primary Gospel Values, embedded in our College Crest, are:

  • Justice
  • Love
  • Peace


Our Mission at OLSH is to:

  • Develop leadership and encourage initiative.
  • Promote excellence in all areas of education and a life-long love of learning.
  • Foster a safe and friendly environment where everyone is valued and accepted.
  • Nurture the whole person, emphasising honesty, mutual respect, compassion and tolerance.
  • Educate students to act responsibly and courageously.

As a Marist school, we do this with a distinctive Marist style. Our style of educating is based on a vision that is truly holistic, and that consciously seeks to communicate values. While we share such a vision with many, especially in Church circles, we use a distinctive pedagogical approach which Marcellin and the first Marists initiated and which was innovative in many of its aspects. We share their intuition that “to bring up children properly, we must love them, and love them all equally”

From this principle flow the particular characteristics of our style of educating: presence, simplicity, family spirit, love of work, and following the way of Mary. We seek to adopt these attitudes and values as our way of enculturating the Gospel.

The Five Characteristics of Marist Education


We educate above all through being present to young people in ways that show that we care for them personally.  Personally and together as a group of adults, we seek to establish relationships with them, founded on love, which create a climate for learning in an educational setting, for passing on values, and for personal growth.


Our simplicity expresses itself primarily through contacts with young people that are genuine and straightforward, undertaken without pretence or duplicity.  Such simplicity is the fruit of a unity of mind and heart, of character and action, that derives ultimately from our being honest before ourselves and before our God.

Family Spirit

Father Champagnat’s great desire and legacy is that we relate to each other and to the young people in our care as the members of a loving family would intuitively do.

Love of Work

In a school setting, love of work implies a careful preparation of our classes and educational activities.  It demands that we be visionary and decisive in developing creative responses to the needs of young people.

In the Way of Mary

Mary is for us the perfect model of the Marist educator, as she was for Marcellin. As woman and layperson, Jesus' first follower, she inspires our personal faith. As educator of Jesus at Nazareth, she inspires our pedagogical approach.

Charter of Respect

The Charter of Respect encourages courtesy and mindfulness of others. The Charter builds on the College’s Vision Statement and Graduate Outcomes giving voice, in a more direct way, to what these documents espouse. The Charter provides a tangible reminder of the values we hold at OLSH. Parents and staff are encouraged to regularly refer to the Charter to assist students to become good Christians and good citizens.

The Charter of Respect

Respect for our faith

Acknowledge the faith journey of each person and share positively in the faith of our school

Respect for others

Value the difference in other people and respect all who work in the OLSH community.

Respect for self

Value the talents we have and achieve the best of our ability.

Respect for learning

Contribute to a safe, orderly and productive learning environment. Interact respectfully with each other.

Respect for the College

Be proud of our school and it's facilities and show consideration for the property of others

Graduate Outcomes 

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College, Alice Springs, endeavours to nurture young people who will:

  • Be tolerant, respectful of others and value diversity.
  • Recognise and appreciate the unique cultures of our community.
  • Contribute actively in the community with compassion, integrity and honesty.
  • Have the courage, confidence and independence to make well-informed decisions in the face of life’s challenges.
  • Be open and responsible for their own faith development.
  • Have the academic and life skills necessary to participate within society.
  • Be resilient and independent with the confidence to realise their full potential.