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Principal's Welcome

Julia Wake

With open hearts, members of the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Community live and work on Arrernte Country, the ancient land of the Arrernte people, cared for by families for millennia – we honour those who have gone before us and those who are with us today – their stories, their hopes and their stewardship.

Founded in 1938, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College (OLSH) has a long-established commitment to educating generations in Alice Springs (Mparntwe) with Daughters of the Sacred Heart Sisters and Brothers of St Marcellin Champagnat laying the foundations for ongoing Catholic Education. The College has a proud history and a reputation for community involvement and academic achievement in an environment where the pastoral care and well-being of students is paramount. This is what we desire for our College Community and our College Family members:


Mindful, compassionate, resilient and joyful learners who experience learning confidence and growth.

Contributors and co-creators of a just, peaceful and inclusive community with a knowledge of the sacred, both ancient and present.

That we walk gently with others upon the earth, responding to the needs of the most vulnerable in who they are called to be.

That you, our young people, know and believe you matter to us.

We know and love all members of the community - walking the talk of Gospel love, justice and peace.

We empower the right relationships and forgiveness; you know what these are.

We welcome the new and the old to our community with Marist hospitality. They will know our sacred heart by our warmth and joy.

Our young people, aged 0 to 19, have agency, you are heard, and what the OLSH community offers resonates with you.

Inspired by the ancient wisdom of our First Nations culture and Catholic Identity, we let the world know of our witness to the Sacred Heart of this Land and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We are present to each other, creating space for learning and loving.

We are calm and peaceful in our interactions.

We have humour, joy, song and dance - our minds and bodies are alive with the spirit.


You will see in the areas you navigate across this website elements of these characteristics and those of our Marist heritage. As a Catholic school in the Marist tradition, the Gospel is central to the mission and vision of this learning community. OLSH celebrates learning, recognises achievement and rewards those who continually strive to do their best. We endeavour to help them develop their skills and talents along with a strong sense of justice, love and peace so they will make a positive contribution to their community, their nation and their world.

Our holistic vision extends to student achievement and support in Pastoral Care, Academia, Sport, Arts and Culture. By expanding our vision to these particular spheres, we believe we can develop a young person who is balanced, well rounded and able to face their globalised world with confidence. Academically, we strive to provide a balance that caters for the learning needs of students as digital learners and independent learners, in an age of rapid technological innovation and instant communication.

A distinctive feature of the College is the strong sense of convergence based on family spirit that unites students, families and staff. We are not just a school; we are a community. Together, we can teach our students to be well-grounded in their faith, independent and able to make wise decisions based on Christian values.

Again, many thanks for your interest in our website and College. For further information, please contact us at


Julia Wake