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International Students

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College as a Provider of International Education

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College is accredited by the Northern Territory and Commonwealth Governments and the NT Board of Studies and follows the Board of Studies syllabi and regulations.

CRICOS Registration - 02598D

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College operates under the legislative framework, which comprises of the Education Services for International Student (ESOS) Act 2000 and the standards of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to International Students (The National Code) 2018. The ESOS Act 2000 is the principal Australian government legislation governing international student education in Australia. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Reforms administers the ESOS Act and certifies provider compliance. The National Code provides nationally consistent standards for the conduct for registered international education providers and the registration of their courses. These standards set out specifications and procedure to ensure that providers of international education and training courses can clearly understand and comply with their obligations under the National Code. OLSH Catholic College is required to ensure that international students are provided with relevant provisions of the ESOS framework throughout the span of the student’s enrolment. A copy of the ESOS Framework Fact Sheet can be found under ‘International Policies’.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College is registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for the following courses:

Course Code Course Name
052532G Primary  - Transition to Year 4
052533G Primary Year 5 to Year 6
052534F Secondary Junior Year 7 to Year 8
052535E Secondary Junior Year 9 to Year 10
052536D Senior Secondary Year 11 to Year 12

The College originally registered as an international student education provider to assist families in the College and community who wish to bring extended family members to Australia for obtaining an education. The College now also actively pursues other enrolments with international services markets or brokers who facilitate the recruitment of overseas students for educational establishments in Australia. International Students under 18 years of age who do not use an agent must have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements while studying in Australia and must have an NT resident guardian. OLSH Catholic College will only accept a nomination from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) in this instance to approve a relative to provide accommodation, welfare and airport reception. Every effort is taken to ensure the students’ wellbeing. For students who will turn 18 years of age during the final period of their course it is a requirement of OLSH Catholic College that the student continues to reside in the DIBP approved accommodation until the completion of the course. For entry to the Junior Campus (Transition to Year 4), students MUST be living with one or both parents. The College does not currently provide boarding or homestay facilities but is seeking the services of a homestay agent.

The College International Student Officer will consult with the NT International Services Branch in the event that the status of a student is unclear.

The College is required to:

  • monitor the welfare, attendance and academic performance of international students
  • ensure that we comply with the ESOS Act and National Code and provide regular statistical data such as student numbers and nationalities to DET on international students.


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Catholic College does not currently provide boarding or homestay facilities and does not take responsibility for accommodation arrangements, although every effort is taken to ensure the students’ wellbeing.

Students under the age of 18 must have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements in place. OLSH Catholic College will only accept a nomination from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) to approve a relative to provide accommodation, welfare and airport reception.

This is to ensure that students are cared for and supported during their time studying at the College.  Please note for entry into the Junior Campus (Transition to Year 4), students MUST be living with one or both parents. 

DIAC has defined a ‘suitable relative’ as a person who is:

  • a grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew, or a step-grandparent, step-brother, step-sister , step-aunt, step-uncle, step-niece or step-nephew
  • nominated by a parent of the applicant or a person who has custody of the applicant
  • aged at least 21
  • of good character

As per the OLSH Catholic College ‘Welfare and Accommodation’ Policy, the student is expected to live in the same house as, and under the direct supervision of, his/her guardian/parent until the completion of all courses, even if the student turns 18 prior to a course completion. The accommodation should be within a reasonable distance from the College and provide adequate facilities and room for a student to be able to study without distraction.

Use of Education Agents

OLSH Catholic College does not currently enter into separate agreements with Education agents. Should you wish to use an agent to assist you in your application process, we will be happy to work with them to complete the enrolment process. However, we will not pay any fees to agents other than those we will have an agreement with. Any agents’ fees are the responsibility of the student or their family.

Our present students have successfully applied to our College without the use of an agent, and we will provide you with the paperwork (Letter of Offer, Confirmation of Enrolment and Confirmation of Welfare Arrangements) to support your Visa application should you wish to apply to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection direct.

Living in Alice Springs

Why Choose Alice Springs?

Alice Springs is an Outback Regional Centre in the Northern Territory of Australia.  It boasts a quality lifestyle and facilities far in excess of other regional centres of comparable size.  It is the hub of Central Australia and a perfect place to live.

Living is easy, either in tree lined streets in the older parts of the town or in modern suburbs, which are equal to any new residential area in any major city. 

From shopping to the arts, to sport and recreation, the people of Alice enjoy a range of leisure activities.  All forms of sport including cycling, swimming, and bushwalking.  Our golf course is rated one of the top ten desert courses in the world with its grass fairways and greens.  Alice has a significant cultural precinct which includes a 500 seat theatre, art galleries, museums and craft centres.  The stunning MacDonnell Ranges and surrounding countryside is a photographer and artists delight.

Alice Springs is situated in the middle of the Central Australian arid zone.  Temperatures can sour to over 40o Cel­sius dur­ing the sum­mer months, peak­ing mid to late Jan­u­ary with an aver­age of 36.4°C, and drop­ping to sin­gle dig­its dur­ing win­ter months (aver­age min­i­mum of 4°C in July).

Mon­soon sea­son in the far north brings some rain­fall to Alice Springs dur­ing the late sum­mer months. Spec­tac­u­lar thun­der­storms in sum­mer can send a sud­den tor­rent along the ordi­nar­i­ly dry Todd Riv­er bed – a fan­tas­tic and rare oppor­tu­ni­ty for the keen photographer.

The most pop­u­lar time for trav­ellers to vis­it the red cen­tre is from autumn to spring (April to Novem­ber), when there is lit­tle chance of rain, but beau­ti­ful­ly sun­ny days with few clouds and tem­per­a­tures hov­er­ing around 25°C.

Alice Springs is a very dry place, so residents find it nec­es­sary to drink water more fre­quent­ly – it is always a good idea to car­ry a water bot­tle with you, wher­ev­er you go. Plain water is best for hydration – tap water in Alice Springs is entirely safe to drink.

Being an International Student in Australia

Support Services

Enquiries unique to overseas students and their families can be addressed by contacting the International Student Officer (+61 8 8950 6409) or via email

Settling into a new home and school environment can take some time. The Year Group Coordinator, Homeroom Teacher, Special Education Coordinator, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator, School Counsellor, Curriculum Coordinator, Leaders of Learning and Careers Adviser are all very experienced staff who are able to assist with answers to questions students may have as they settle in. The International Student Officer will take you through your initial orientation. The Year Level Coordinator / Leader of Learning will check your academic progress and attendance throughout the time you are studying at OLSH Catholic College.

If you have any concerns, your Head of Campus should be your first point of contact. He/she may refer you to one of the other staff above depending on your needs.

The ESOS Act covers a range of information you have a right to know about and the services that must be offered to you by Australian education providers. You can find out more about the framework here.

Admission Requirements

All applicants are required to meet the criteria laid down by the Australian Government for the issue of a student visa. 

These requirements are:

  • Need to meet English language requirements
  • Enrolment as a full time student
  • No outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia
  • Sufficient financial support to cover all expenses incurred during the stay in Australia
  • If under the age of 18 years, need to live with parent or legal custodian or a relative over the age of 21 and all persons in household over the age of 15 years must hold a Working With Children Clearance
  • Be of good character
  • Be of good health
  • Have acceptable health insurance in place to cover the period of your stay (OSHC)
  • Agree to return home on completion of studies

It should be noted that each application is assessed on its own merits.

How Do Students Apply to Enrol?

Prospective international students or their family/guardians should contact the College with all relevant details on the student wishing to study at the College. The ‘International Student Application for Enrolment’ form should be completed. If the visa / passport or letter issued from immigration granting a visa is in place a readable copy of all relevant pages of the passport and or letter must be attached with the application form. This information is to be sent to the International Student Officer at Central Administration so that verification of study entitlements can be checked through immigration. Once the student is approved to study in Australia or granted a visa to study the enrolment is able to proceed. Please go to the ‘Enrolment Process’ for full information.

Standard of Academic Ability and Competence in English

International Students must demonstrate that they have studied their preferred subject choices in their school of origin and have achieved at a high level in their home countries prior to entry into OLSH Catholic College. Generally, International Students will have continuity of study for the years at home as well as in Australia.

NB: The student will also be assessed at the time of integration to ensure correct placement according to academic ability, age and social development. At the school’s discretion, the student may be required to take additional private tuition in English to assist in integration into mainstream Australian Curriculum.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College requires evidence of sufficient proficiency in English to successfully meet the curriculum demands of the enrolled course.

Applicants are assessed individually based on the contents of their report cards and personal references and may also be required to undertake a language proficiency test set by the school. This is particularly applicable for students wishing to enter the school in Primary years.

If supplied, OLSH Catholic College will assess evidence of English language proficiency presented by a student at the time of application but reserves the right to confirm the student’s English language proficiency through additional tests as stated below.

The evidence of English Language proficiency would generally include five plus (5+) years of schooling in an English teaching school.

If not presenting appropriate evidence of English language proficiency at the time of application, OLSH Catholic College will assess the student’s application for entry based on the following test instruments:

Year Level Entry Examinations


7 & 8 61-70% 4-5 4+
9 70% 5-6 4+ 1+/2 50
10 75+% 6 5 2+/3 65
11 & 12 80+% 6+ 6 3 75

Students should note that if their language proficiency is below that outlined above, they may be required to undertake an intensive English language course before beginning mainstream studies.

In assessing applications, a rigorous review of student information is undertaken. Any files that are incomplete will not be assessed.


Course Terms

  • Per annum is equivalent to two study periods.
  • A semester is one study period.  One term is half a study period.
  • A study period is no more than 22 weeks of study (usually 20 weeks).

Term Dates

Course Credit

OLSH Catholic College does not offer course credit and entry into any course is subject to the assessment of the College. This also applies to on-shore school transfers, either within the state or territory or from interstate, with the exception of students who transfer in Year 11 and are able to carry on previous subject choices with no alterations.

Students who believe that they have undertaken studies equivalent to Stage 1 or Stage 2 of the SACE may apply for a Record of Achievement which will be assessed by the SACE Board of SA. If approved, the recognition will be recorded on the Record of Achievement as a credit value.

Transition to Year 4 – Bath Street Campus

The Bath Street Campus of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College caters for students from Transition to Year 4. As a Catholic College, we celebrate the message of Jesus Christ, placing great importance on our Christian values and celebrating an environment that embraces the importance of ensuring our school environment is: safe and nurturing, continually fostering a sense of belonging and promoting an educational climate conducive to learning. Religious Education is taught along with all the key learning areas prescribed by the Australian Curriculum.

The key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum are:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
  • The Arts
  • Technologies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Languages – Japanese

Students receive two written Semester Reports at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Formal Parent/Teacher/Student interviews occur late in Term 1 and Term 3. The aim is to keep parents and carers informed of the progress made by their child.

Students with specific learning needs are supported in the classroom through differentiated teaching practices and the assistance of Inclusion Support Assistants. Students who require additional support with their reading and are at risk of falling significantly behind are placed into Reading Intervention groups led by trained staff.

At Bath St we have two Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers (AIEW) who support our Aboriginal children and their families. These AIEW workers work across the Traeger and Bath St Campus. Events such as Harmony Day, and NAIDOC Week are celebrated annually. In 2018 the staff at OLSH Catholic College worked with all OLSH community members to create our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This RAP is reviewed annually to ensure that we are growing together as a community.

The children at Bath Street participate in a range of community and intercampus activities throughout the year. Such activities include Harmony Day and ANZAC Day, Children’s Book Week, the College concert, Assumption mass, Founders Day, Opening Mass and Graduation Mass.

Year 5 to Year 8 – Traeger Campus

Traeger Campus is committed to supporting families and young people to build individual wellness in all aspects of their lives: intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.

We have a strong commitment to the faith development of young people from all backgrounds. All members of the campus community are invited to come to know and love Jesus, developing a deeper connection to God through daily prayer, regular liturgies, retreats and whole college, campus and year level masses. We collaborate closely with the local parish, with regular visits from the priests, shared responsibility for sacramental preparation and programs and a focus on social justice issues.

The curriculum implemented at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Traeger Campus (Years 5 - 8) is achieved through the Australian Curriculum which is the approved curriculum framework of the Northern Territory Board of Studies. As a Catholic school, we place great importance on Christian values and creating a supportive and safe community. Religious Education is taught along with all the key learning areas. The General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities are also integrated throughout the teaching and learning.

Traeger Campus operates as a middle school using an inquiry model of teaching and learning. Year 5 and 6 students have a single teacher for core subjects: Religious Education; English; Humanities and Social Sciences; Mathematics and Science. Years 7 and 8 students may have a variety of specialist teachers responsible for delivering the curriculum.

OLSH Traeger also offers a comprehensive and rich curriculum which is extended through our specialist programs. All students are taught the following subjects for the year: Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education and Japanese. Japanese (LOTE/Languages) is a compulsory year-long subject for all year levels at the Traeger Campus and is then offered to students as an elective in Year 9 on the Sadadeen Campus. Students also complete one semester of Visual Art and Digital Technologies.

Students requiring learning support are catered for in the area of literacy through intervention programs, in class support and are also involved in “Guided Reading” where reading comprehension skills are explicitly taught and the “Words Their Way” approach to spelling. For students who come from an “English as an Additional Language or Dialect” (EAL/D) background, extra assistance is available.

Teachers monitor student progress over time using a variety of assessment tools including Probe2 Reading Interview and PAT Testing. This data is used to inform teaching. Students receive two comprehensive Semester Reports at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Formal Parent/Teacher/Student interviews occur late in Term 1 and Term 3. Along with these reports, Years 7 and 8s complete ‘Snapshot’ 6 times throughout the year. Students reflect on their learning and set goals to move forward.

Co-curricular highlights throughout the year include: Year 5 Alice on the Line Camp; Year 6 Confirmation; Year 7 Outdoor Education Camp; Founders’ Day; College Concert; Science Week; Literacy and Numeracy Week; NAIDOC Week and Harmony Day. Traeger has several clubs throughout different times of the year including: tennis, gardening, choir and photography.

Traeger is a 1:1 laptop school where all students have great access to laptops. We use Google Classroom as our main Learning Management System (LMS). We also use a variety of other online tools.

We have a strong pastoral care program that uses our Charter of Respect as our framework. We also use a Restorative Practices approach when dealing with a breakdown of relationships and are guided by our School Wide Positive behaviour pyramid to help students make good choices, reflect on their behaviour and to manage corrective pathways.

Students are also provided opportunities in the sporting arena: Swimming Carnival; Athletics Carnival and the Cross Country Carnival are a few examples. We also compete in Inter-school carnivals. Boys and Girls AFL teams compete against other schools which is always popular in the middle of the year.

Year 9 to Year 12 – Sadadeen Campus

At the Senior Campus (Year 9 -12), our aim is to develop independent learners who are confident and responsible global citizens after they graduate from our College.

The overarching focus is to present opportunities and challenges to the students to achieve success in their final years of schooling. Our learning pathway provides various opportunities within the curriculum to support the students with their future career aspirations.

OLSH Catholic College highly recommends that, where possible International Students enrolling for entry into Senior Secondary classes enter at Year 10. Entry at this level enables students to take the necessary time to settle into their new school before attempting the more difficult senior secondary workload unless there is sufficient academic evidence of the student’s prior studies and capabilities.

Across Year 9 to 12, we are committed to delivering a broad and meaningful curriculum and pastoral care activities that are designed to promote a love of learning and the education of the whole person, enabling the spiritual, intellectual, cultural and social development of emerging adults.

These include:

  • Faith Focus – Retreats, Colloquium, Student leadership, Community Service, Game Changers (Marist Youth Ministry Program) 
  • Academic Focus – Subject counselling, Study Skills, Exam techniques
  • Career Focus – Career Counselling, VET, University Presentations
  • Pastoral Care Focus – Love Bites, Suicide Awareness Training, Be You (mindfulness)

The curriculum taught at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Sadadeen Campus caters for students completing their final four years of secondary schooling. Years 9 and 10 are based on the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF). Year 11( Stage 1) and Year 12 (Stage 2) students primarily work towards the completion of their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) under the auspices of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Year 9

Compulsory Subjects - Full Year Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Religion

Elective subjects - Semester Subjects

Students must select 4 electives:

  • Dance
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Metal
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Wood
  • Digital Technologies
  • Drama
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Multi Media
  • Music
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Visual Art

Students in Year 9 can undertake a number of VET skill sets at Charles Darwin University.  Applications take place in Term 4 for the following year.  Further information can be accessed in the Year 9 Subject Handbook.

Year 9 Handbook

Year 10

Compulsory Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Religion
  • Personal Learning Plan (PLP)*

PLP – a 10 credit NTCET mandatory unit.  Students must pass this subject with a “C” grade as a requirement in completing their NTCET.  This is a Stage 1 (year 11) subject.

Elective subjects - Semester Subjects

Students must select 4 electives*:

  • Dance
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Metal
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Wood
  • Digital Technologies
  • Drama
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Multi Media
  • Music
  • Sport Science
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • VET Health Studies*
  • Visual Art

Students in Year 10 can undertake a number of VET courses.  Applications take place in term 4 for the following year.  Further information can be accessed in the Year 10 Subject Handbook.

Year 10 Handbook

Years 11 and 12 – The Senior Years Curriculum

The Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCET) is a qualification awarded to students who successfully complete their senior secondary education (Years 11 and 12) and demonstrates that students have acquired a certain level of knowledge and skills important to employment, training or study goals. NTCET mirrors the SACE curriculum (South Australian Certificate of Education which is an internationally recognised pre-university program). The NTCET/SACE is the main way Northern Territory students get into University and TAFE courses in the Northern Territory, interstate and overseas. The NTCET is flexibly designed to meet the needs of students of all abilities taking into account their interests, strengths and career aspirations. Families, higher and further education providers, employers and the community can also be confident that students achieving the NTCET are prepared for their chosen pathways – whether they are headed for further education and training, university, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce. The certificate is based on two stages of achievement: Stage 1 (normally undertaken in Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12). Students will be able to study a wide range of subjects and courses as part of the NTCET. Stage 2 of the SACE builds upon the work completed at Stage 1 and helps students to focus on subject content but also in the areas of their capabilities.

The requirement to achieve the NTCET

To gain the certificate students must earn 200 credits.  Ten credits are equivalent to one semester or six month’s study in a particular subject or course.

Some elements of the SACE are compulsory.  These are:

  • A Personal Learning Plan at Stage 1 (completed in Year 10), worth 10 credits;
  • At least 20 credits towards Literacy from a range of English studies at Stage 1;
  • At least 10 credits towards Numeracy from a range of Mathematics studies at Stage 1 (at OLSH all students are expected to undertake 2 semesters of Maths at Stage 1 Level);
  • Completion of at least 60 additional credits in Stage 2 subjects and courses;
  • OLSH students will usually study 6 subjects (including integrated studies: Religion) in Year 12.

The importance of the compulsory elements is reflected in the requirement that students must achieve either a grade A, B, C (or equivalent) in these subjects to complete the NTCET successfully. In addition to the compulsory elements, students will choose from a wide range of subjects and courses to earn the remaining 90 credits to gain the SACE. These include subjects and courses from either Stage 1 or Stage 2.

Year 11 Handbook Year 12 Handbook