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International Fees

Enrolment Application Fee


A non-refundable fee is payable per student at the time of submitting an International Student Enrolment Application.

Bond Payment


The Bond payment is payable at the time of forwarding a copy of the Student visa. 

The Bond payment is refunded upon completion of studies at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College when there are no outstanding school fees and all school items, e.g. textbooks, have been returned.

Schedule of Fees for Full Fee Paying Overseas Students

  • Per annum is equivalent to two study periods
  • A semester is one study period
  • One term is half a study period
  • A study period is no more than 22 weeks of study (usually 20 weeks)
Code Course Name Tuition Fee per Annum
052532G Primary Years Transition to Year 4 AU$14,500
052533G Primary Year 5 to Year 6 AU$15,800
052534F Secondary Junior Years 7-8 AU$17,400
052535E Secondary Junior Years 9-10 AU$18,700
052536D Senior Secondary 11 – 12 AU$19,800

Other Fees Payable

There may be additional charges for some practical subjects (such as wood/metal work, visual arts, music), workbooks, excursions and programs (such as GameChangers, Duke of Edinburgh, Marist sporting carnivals).

School camps also attract additional charges. As an indication the following charges are applicable in 2025:

  • Year 5 Camp - $50 (Alice on the Line)
  • Year 6 Camp - $100
  • Year 7 Camp - $670
  • Year 8 Camp - $1,500
  • Year 9 Camp - $1,800
  • Year 10 Camp - Not held
  • Year 11 Camp - Not held

Please Note: Refunds will not be made for these other fees where a student does not attend compulsory camps unless a medical certificate is supplied.

For the cost of uniforms please refer to the ‘Uniform Price List_Order Form’ which can be obtained from our

Payment of Fees

  • Initial tuition fees are invoiced to the end of the current year upon enrolment and then reminder notices are sent each term thereafter.
  • An invoice for annual fees will be sent out to all families at the start of Term 1 each year.
  • It is a condition of enrolment that all International Student families are fully paid one complete term ahead for the duration of the student’s enrolment.
  • The student may choose to pay more than 50 per cent of their tuition fees before their course commences if permitted under the ESOS Act. 

Please note: School fees are due strictly by the due date.  If you have any queries regarding payment, please contact our Business Finance Manager at (08) 8950 6403.

All fees are subject to change. Fees will usually be reviewed at the end of the school year.

International Student Withdrawal and Refund

Please refer to the International Student Handbook or view the policy on our College Website: International Policies Page

Payment Information

The following payment options are available to pay your school fees:

  1. Cash – at any Campus
  2. EFTPOS – at any Campus
  3. BPay – see invoice for details
  4. Direct Debit – contact your bank or Campus reception for a payment authority
  5. Centrelink – deductions from family payments
  6. Government Payroll Deductions

If you are unable to settle your account when due please contact the Business Finance Manager on (08) 8950 6403.