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Enrolment Process

Step 1 

Application for Admission

Please submit an International Student Enrolment Application Form and include the following documents:

  1. Copies of student academic records from the last two years of schooling, including a copy of the latest Student Report;
  2. A letter of recommendation (from previous school principal) confirming suitability of student to attend OLSH Catholic College (if not included with academic records)
  3. Certified evidence of date of birth
  4. Copy of passport page with name, photo identification, passport number and expiry date;
  5. Written evidence of English language test / English language proficiency (if not held already)
  6. Recent passport sized photograph
  7. Copy of Subject choices for year of entry (Year 9 to11 entry only)
  8. Enrolment Application Fee of AUD$250.00 

NOTE: Where the above documents are not in English, certified translations in English are required, with necessary costs to be met by the applicant.

Step 2


Where possible, the student is interviewed face to face by the Principal and/or the Head of Campus, otherwise this can be done via Skype/Face Time/Zoom.  The purpose of this interview is to converse with the student in English, discuss the school and student expectations, discuss accommodation and welfare, refer the student to relevant policies, subjects and appropriate year level curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and address any questions the student may have.

Step 3

Offer of Enrolment

Your Application for Enrolment will be assessed. If all reports and documents are in order and satisfactory, and there is an appropriate vacancy, you will receive:

  • an 'Offer of Enrolment' letter (which also includes information of fees payable)
  • a 'Written Agreement with Students/Parents/Legal Guardians for Students Studying at OLHS' for completion by the student and his/her parents/legal guardians to sign and return to the college.

Step 4

Your Acceptance of Offer of Enrolment

The parent(s)/legal guardians and the student sign and return the ‘Offer of Enrolment’ letter and the ‘Written Agreement’.  On receipt of these documents, the student and parents/guardians will be issued a ‘Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)’.

Step 5

Student Application for a Visa

Student applies for the student visa and notifies the school when it is granted.

Step 6

Completion of International Student forms

You will be forwarded the following documents, which must be returned to the College at the time of forwarding a copy of the student visa:

  • 'Agreement for International Students Studying at OLH Catholic College'
  • 'Guardian’s Agreement'
  • 'Accommodation Provider Form' (if parent’s/legal guardians not accompanying the student) which needs to be signed by the person/s who will be caring for your child in Australia.

NOTE: A copy of your Visa is required to be sent to us as soon as possible.  (It is essential you ensure your Visa is at all times current while you are in Australia.  Failure to keep up to date could result in you being sent home.)

Payment as indicated in your 'Letter of Offer' is now to be paid:                          

  • Refundable Bond*
  • First Terms fees payable in advance 

As fees will be reviewed annually, please see current “International Fee Circular” found on our College website. 

* The Bond is refunded upon completion of studies at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College and when there are no outstanding school fees and all school items, e.g. textbooks, have been returned.

Step 7

Issue of International Student Acceptance Advice and Health Cover

Upon receipt of all documentation and full payment, the College will send you a letter confirming your start date and place in the College. 

All Overseas Students are required to provide proof International Student Health Cover (OSHC) has been purchased. The parent and/or guardian must ensure that International Student Health Cover payments are maintained for the period the student is enrolled at OLSH Catholic College.

Step 8

Information about Preparing for School

You will be sent a letter giving detailed information about:

  1. School dates and vacations.
  2. Orientation Procedures
  3. Purchase of school uniform.
  4. Uniform regulations.
  5. Stationery requirements.

Step 9

Arrival to Alice Springs and Commencing School

All International Students should have been interviewed by the Principal before commencement of studies and should be settled into their accommodation in Australia and have purchased all uniforms and stationery required. 

We look forward to you joining us at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College for an exciting and successful time during your school years, in preparation for a successful and challenging future.