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Our Young People Matter -Centralian Education Liftout

26th June 2024

Our Young People Matter -Centralian Education Liftout

From the Centralian Paper. Balancing Act: Students Maria, Lahni and Eleanor Students Juggle Balloons to Symbolise Managing Daily Stress with Tayla Mckechnie from Headspace

"AT OLSH T-12, we want to ensure: ‘That our young people know, and believe, they matter to us.’

At times, our children and young people have worries and struggle to find the tools and voice to manage them. This is a part of our core business, to assist them to do so.

We celebrate our excellence in Pastoral Care and Wellbeing in Term 2 by enabling student access to Consent Lab. Year 7-10 stu-dents are now fully informed on what consent is and have an awareness of the circumstances.

Full consent is required - in both the phys-ical and cyber world. Headspace built on this with discussion on bullying, upstanding and bystanding behaviour and how young people can identify signs of mental ill-health.

Experiencing joy, students and staff from T-12 celebrated Harmony Week with enthusiasm, proudly displaying vibrant dress that represented their cultural backgrounds. A large heart of 250 students was formed, a cultural feast was shared, and we all noted that even though we are different, we are similar!

From our Mission Statement, we intend to: ‘Promote excellence in all areas of education and a life-long love of learning.’

Our College has made a commitment to a Catholic Education NT system-wide ‘Learn-ing Alliance’, which is a framework for learning growth. Using the work of Dr Lyn Sharratt, the College seeks to create a cohesive environment where data-informed decision-making, collaborative practices, and targeted instruction and intervention are integral to student success.

This commitment to clarity and precision in education underscores the College’s dedi-cation to continuous improvement and excellence."

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