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Uniform Shop


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Open Hours

Wednesday: 1pm - 4pm

Thursday: 8:00am -11:30am

Saturday: 8am - 11am (every 2nd Sat of the month)

The above hours are school term opening times.  The Uniform Shop is also open at various times during the school holidays.  Times will be advised via School Stream App of the College Calendar.


The Uniform Shop is located at the Traeger Campus, 8 Traeger Avenue, The Gap.

Phone: 08 8950 8520 (during shop open times only)



The Uniform

College uniform is compulsory and all students are expected to take pride in their appearance and grooming.  All students are required to wear CORRECT College uniform at all times, including while travelling to and from school. 

All uniform items except shoes are to be purchased from the College Uniform Shop.

The proper wearing of a uniform is to promote neat appearance and helps avoid the extremes of changes in fashion. Parents will be contacted if a student continues to ignore uniform regulations.  If there is a problem and students are not able to come in uniform, parents are asked to send a note, which includes details of when the situation will be rectified. Students who arrive at school without a parent note will be given a uniform infringement notice.

Students will be required to remove non-school uniform items they may be wearing, e.g. jumpers, jackets etc., be given items of correct school uniform to wear for the day from the ‘clothing pool’, or be sent home to get their correct uniform.

Headphones are not part of the College uniform and as such are not to be worn unless they are in use in line with College policy for laptops, mobile phones and multimedia devices.  Students may use headphones with the permission of a teacher only.


College grey sun-safe hat or College bucket hat appropriate to student’s house colour, with the crest, are compulsory for all students Transition to Year 12. 

A hat is to be worn during PE lessons, at all sporting events and at all times when out in the open.

Naming of Personal Property

To help students take care of their personal property, parents are asked to ensure that all clothing, books, sporting equipment and other personal belongings are clearly named. We strongly recommend that valuable items such as watches and calculators are engraved with at least the initials of the owner.

School Bag

Bath Street students are required to purchase the College school bag with logo from the Uniform shop.

Year 5 to 12 students will receive a laptop bag as part of the fee structure designed to hold the student’s laptop securely.

A College sport bag is also available for purchase.

Girls Uniform

Junior Uniform (Transition to Year 10)

College heavy maroon stripe (no shorter than 8cm, approximately 4 finger widths, above the knee). Girls who choose to wear shorts under their College uniform must ensure they are not visible.


College heavy maroon stripe shirt with logo.

Juniors Uniform
Middle Uniform
Middle Uniform

Senior Uniform (Years 11 and 12)

College light maroon stripe (no shorter than 8cm, approximately 4 finger widths, above the knee). Girls who choose to wear shorts under their College uniform must ensure they are not visible.


College light maroon stripe shirt with logo.

Seniors Uniform

Junior and Senior Uniform

College grey short or pants with logo.


College windcheater and/or College fleece.

Beanie & Scarf

Black beanie and black or wheat scarf with College logo may be worn during winter.


College white socks with logo (ankle height). Black tights or black stockings can be worn when cold or if required for cultural sensitivity. These must be worn under a uniform dress, uniform shorts or sports short. They cannot be worn with just a shirt or sports shirt.


Black lace-up with standard heel (plain leather – no coloured laces and no runners). Shoes must be in reasonable condition, must cover the top of the foot to the ankle to align with WHS policies of the College.

Black Velcro close shoes, as above, and black school sandals can be worn by Bath Street students only.

Middle Winter Uniform

Seniors Winter Uniform


Additional Expectations

Hair should be neat and of natural colour and at all times out of the student's eyes - if long, it is to be tied back. Hair is not to touch the base of the shirt collar. Ribbons and scrunchies should be maroon, grey or black hair elastic. Extremes of length and fashion are to be avoided.

Make-up and/or nail polish

Make-up and/or nail polish is not to be worn with the College uniform. Girls are permitted to wear a light foundation, naturally concealing acne or for sun protection.


A watch, religious cross or medallion, medical bracelet, one signet ring is acceptable. A small single stud earring or sleeper in each ear-lobe is also accepted. Sleepers should not be worn during sporting activities. The school accepts no responsibility for any jewellery worn to school if it is lost or damaged.


Any tattoos are to be covered at all times and not visible.

Sports Uniform

For students Transition to Year 8, the sports uniform is to only be worn on the day where students have PE lessons. Years 9 to 12 students must bring their sports uniform with them on PE days to change into.

There will be designated sport event days where students will be advised to wear their sports uniform also.

Students wearing incorrect sports uniform will not be permitted to represent the College in sport.


College black sport shorts or black track pants with College logo.


College polo sport shirt.


College white ankle height socks with logo.


Sports shoes.


College windcheater and/or College fleece.


College bucket hat appropriate to student’s house colour, with the crest.

Juniors PE Uniform
Middle PE Uniform

Seniors PE Uniform

Boys Uniform

Junior Uniform (Transition to Year 10)

College heavy maroon stripe shirt with logo.

Juniors Uniform

Senior Uniform (Years 11 and 12)

College light maroon stripe shirt with logo.

Seniors Summer Uniform

Junior and Senior Uniform

College grey short or pants with logo.


College windcheater and/or College fleece.

Beanie & Scarf

Black beanie and black or wheat scarf with College logo may be worn during winter.


College grey socks with logo (ankle height).


Black lace-up with standard heel (plain leather – no coloured laces and no runners). Shoes must be in reasonable condition, must cover the top of the foot to the ankle to align with WHS policies of the College.

Black Velcro close shoes, as above, and black school sandals can be worn by Bath Street students only

Additional Expectations

Hair should be neat and of natural colour and at all times out of the student's eyes - if long, it is to be tied back. Hair is not to touch the base of the shirt collar. Extremes of length and fashion are to be avoided.

All boys are to be clean shaven.


A watch, religious cross or medallion, medical bracelet, one signet ring is acceptable. A small single stud earring or sleeper in each ear-lobe is also accepted. Sleepers should not be worn during sporting activities. The school accepts no responsibility for any jewellery worn to school if it is lost or damaged.


Any tattoos are to be covered at all times and not visible.

Sports Uniform

For students Transition to Year 8, the sports uniform is to only be worn on the day where students have PE lessons. Years 9 to 12 students must bring their sports uniform with them on PE days to change into.

There will be designated sport event days where students will be advised to wear their sports uniform also.

Students wearing incorrect sports uniform will not be permitted to represent the College in sport.


College black sport shorts or black track pants with College logo.


College polo sport shirt.


College white ankle height socks with logo.


Sports shoes.


College windcheater and/or College fleece.


College bucket hat appropriate to student’s house colour, with the crest.

Juniors PE Uniform