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Athletics Carnival

12th May 2021

Athletics Carnival

On Friday the 30th of April, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College successfully conducted their second Combined Sports Carnival for the year. With the event having been shifted to earlier in the term, students were able to enjoy the festivities of the 2021 Athletics Carnival in a warmer climate than in previous years. This provided new challenges as both staff and students had to be diligent in sun safety and staying hydrated throughout the day. After competing in event after event, the student’s quickly depleting energy was resurged thanks to the delicious food supplied by the Ms Boniwell & her dedicated volunteers at the BBQ – the funds of which will be going towards the families affected by the recent floods in East Timor.

Throughout the day the roar of competition could be heard from across the oval as competitors pushed themselves to their limits to not only beat their rival opponents but to also achieve new personal bests. The long fought competition concluded with the following results: 4th place was Bennett (1587), with Standley in 3rd (1656), closely followed by Achoa in 2nd (1706) and Gillen taking home 1st (1851). In addition to the Carnival House Champions, a separate award is calculated based on demonstration of House Spirit, this includes but was not limited to: house cheers, volunteering, maintaining their house area and demonstrating good sportsmanship. In an astounding turn of events, the 2021 Athletics Carnival House Spirit was awarded to none other than Gillen! Congratulations to all competitors on your inspiring efforts on the day.

A huge shout out to all of the parents, teachers and student volunteers who helped make the 2021 Combined Athletics Carnival such a success. It was a pleasure to organise this Carnival for you all and I look forward to seeing our YR 11 students lead the school at next year’s Carnivals.

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