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Curriculum (Years 9 -12)

The curriculum taught at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Sadadeen Campus caters for students completing their final four years of secondary schooling. Years 9 and 10 are based on the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF).  Year 11( Stage 1)  and Year 12 (Stage 2) students primarily work towards the completion of their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) under the auspices of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).


Year 9

Compulsory Subjects – Full Year Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Religion 

Elective subjects – Semester Subjects

Students must select 4 electives:

  • Dance
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Metal
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Wood
  • Drama
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Japanese
  • Multi Media
  • Music
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Visual Art

Students in year 9 can undertake a number of VET skill sets at Charles Darwin University.  Applications take place in term 4 for the following year.  Further information can be accessed in the Year 9 Subject Handbook.

Year 9 Handbook 



Year 10

Compulsory Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Religion
  • Personal Learning Plan (PLP)*

PLP - a 10 credit NTCET mandatory unit. Students must pass this subject with a “C” grade as a requirement in completing their NTCET.  This is a Stage 1 (year 11) subject. 

Elective subjects – Semester Subjects

Students must select 4 electives*:

  • Dance
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Metal
  • Design, Technology and Engineering: Wood
  • Drama
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Multi Media
  • Music
  • Sport Science
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • VET Health Studies*
  • Visual Art

*Full year course

Students in Year 10 can undertake a number of VET courses. Applications take place in term 4 for the following year.  Further information can be accessed in the Year 10 Subject Handbook.

Year 10 Handbook



The Senior Years Curriculum - Years 11 and 12

The Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCET) is a qualification awarded to students who successfully complete their senior secondary education (Years 11 and 12) and demonstrates that students have acquired a certain level of knowledge and skills important to employment, training or study goals. NTCET mirrors the SACE curriculum(South Australian Certificate of Education which is an internationally recognised pre-university program)  The NTCET/SACE is the main way Northern Territory students get into University and TAFE courses in the Northern Territory, interstate and overseas. The NTCET is flexibly designed to meet the needs of students of all abilities taking into account their interests, strengths and career aspirations. Families, higher and further education providers, employers and the community can also be confident that students achieving the NTCET are prepared for their chosen pathways – whether they are headed for further education and training, university, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce. The certificate is based on two stages of achievement: Stage 1 (normally undertaken in Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12). Students will be able to study a wide range of subjects and courses as part of the NTCET. Stage 2 of the SACE builds upon the work completed at Stage 1 and helps students to focus on subject content but also in the areas of their capabilities.

The requirements to achieve the NTCET

To gain the certificate students must earn 200 credits. Ten credits are equivalent to one semester or six month’s study in a particular subject or course.

Some elements of the SACE are compulsory. These are:

  • a Personal Learning Plan at Stage 1 (completed in Year 10), worth 10 credits
  • at least 20 credits towards Literacy from a range of English studies at Stage 1
  • at least 10 credits towards Numeracy from a range of Mathematics studies at Stage 1 (at OLSH all students are expected to undertake 2 semesters of Maths at Stage 1 Level)
  • completion of at least 60 additional credits in Stage 2 subjects and courses

OLSH students will usually study 6 subjects (including integrated studies: Religion) in Year 12.

The importance of the compulsory elements is reflected in the requirement that students must achieve either a grade A, B, C (or equivalent) in these subjects to complete the NTCET successfully. In addition to the compulsory elements, students will choose from a wide range of subjects and courses to earn the remaining 90 credits to gain the SACE. These include subjects and courses from either Stage 1 or Stage 2.

Year 11 HandbookYear 12 Handbook