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Visual Art at OLSH invites students to engage with and express their creativity through various opportunities.

From learning how to observe and articulate what the eye sees, students develop their own unique styles, in appreciating and creating art. Understanding the foundations of art and design through the elements and principles, students call upon skills and techniques from practitioners in the field to inspire their own experiments.

Themes and mediums studied range from traditional to contemporary and all in between. Sketching, painting, pottery, printmaking, sculpture, mosaic, recycled art, mixed-media, digital art and photography are some of the mediums students study and work with.

The Australian Curriculum is explored from Years 9 - 10 in Visual Art, through which students practice the fundamentals, traditional art forms to contemporary, while exploring relevant art movements and themes. In addition to this, cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities are incorporated into the students every day learning, including but not limited to: ICT Skills, Literacy and Numeracy, Intercultural Understanding, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures.

Stage 1 (year 11) and Stage 2 (year 12) students study SACE which offers autonomy, driven by tailored themes of interest to each student’s skill development over senior years. Through college based SACE Art Show’s, seniors work is showcased and shared with the community.

Students document their artistic journey in a portfolio, create works which are presented in class and also exhibited publicly. Art students strive to challenge themselves with how and what they create. Students are encouraged in safe and creative environments so they can thrive as individuals, from the ideation processes, through to creation. 

Students reflect on artwork and the world around them either by: contextually, emotively, personally, culturally, formally, technically, stylistically, politically, religiously or socially. Building awareness around their topics leads to more intentional artistic choices by them and for the audiences.

Students become grounded in their sense of self, by exploring their identity through artistic outlets in this subject. Problem solving, exploration through mediums and perspective is gathered and built upon for both life long and career skills.