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Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an internationally recognised youth program that challenges individuals to achieve their own personal goals, whatever their background or ability. The Award is available for young people aged 14-25 years, and comprises three levels Bronze, Silver and Gold. In 2020, the College is offering the Bronze award to Year 9 and 10 students.

The participant must regularly participate in various activities over a specific timeframe - the duration is dependent on the level (ranging from 6-18 months). The activities are recorded by the participant using an online record book, which is also accessible via a phone app. All levels require fulfilment of the following four sections; Physical Recreation, Skills, Voluntary Service and an Adventurous Journey (with an additional Residential Project required for Gold).

The program recognizes that a young person’s life education includes academic and non-academic activities. The aim of the program is to help get these non-academic activities that contribute towards self-development officially recognised and counted towards their Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCET) to assist the completion of schooling to the highest level possible.